Sunday, August 14, 2011


On July 25, 2000 GOD who had found and chosen this house for us....MADE IT OURS!

This lot and matchbox house was valued and was offered for purchase for only $5000.00 through then Mayor Marc Morial's program for first time home buyers as a means to rid the city of blight.

Yet we had not the ability to secure a loan for even the mere $5000.00 the land and house frame...  We tried all the normal routes asking relatives who had more money than they or their descendants could spend in their life times...

We applied for all the Fannies and Frankies and Freddie Mackey Macs...which we not only did not qualify for back then....but today we all know went bankrupt...

So GOD had made our way even back then...not allowing us to go through the plans for the poor that HE KNEW would eventually fail...

Those who belong to The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY... Who walk in HIS Ways Ever So Faithfully!!!
Who refuse to support the unrighteous choices of others...even those made by sisters, brothers, fathers or mothers....or even by their pastors..

Those who refuse to condone bad behavior...whether they openly verbally defend sin and unrighteousness or simply condone by being silent when their position CALLS them to correct the unjust.

When anyone, whether you and your spouse or me and mine, refuse to go along with such a crowd in spite of being shunned from the inside groupies of ones community or church...

GOD WILL Always make a way for these who not only hunger for righteousness but risk expulsion when GOD CALLS THEM to speak out and demand and require others to respect and follow and obey

Not having eyes for another's wife or husband...requiring others to address them properly.


WORDS that HE put into us which we could have not spoken, but then had we not this house GOD would not have built, would not have sold for $130,000.00 POST-KATRINA and moved us farther!

GREAT are the afflictions and challenges of the righteous and we shall have battle scars...Why would the enemy attack those who compromise their values?

He already controls them..or at least has a toe hole in them enough that they cannot be used by Almighty GOD...
They are what my husband calls "Want-a-Bees!"

Though OUR LORD SHALL and ALWAYS ....  DELIVERS US from all ...from all snares and traps set to catch us...GOD shall use to snatch the wicked themselves.

So fear not...The weapons formed against us...Sing in their midst as GOD redirects their paths at their senders!


Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!

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